People groups: 69
Population: 670,470
Unreached people groups: 2
UPG population: 13,300
Unengaged UPGs: 2
UUPG population: 13,300
Number of countries: 2
Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders
Overview: Solomon Islands is a sovereign state in Oceania, east of Papua New Guinea. Consisting of nearly one thousand islands, the Solomons cover a land area of roughly 11,000 square miles. Most inhabitants of the Solomons are ethnically Melanesian. Ethnologue details 70 living languages spoken in the Solomon Islands, most spoken by people groups numbering less than 10,000 in population. These groups are predominantly Christian with the Anglican Church of Melanesia, Roman Catholics, South Seas Evangelical Church, and United Church in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands all active among them.
Peoples within this cluster: Anuta; Areare; Asumbua; Babatana; Baeggu; Baelelea; Baniata; Bauro; Bilua; Birao; Blablanga; Bugoto; Dorio; Duke; Fagani; Fataleka; Fiu; Florida Islander; Gao; Ghari; Gulaalaa; Hoava; Kahua; Kokota; Kumbokota; Kusaghe; Kwaio; Kwara'ae; Langalanga; Lau; Lengo; Londai; Longgu; Lungga; Malango; Maringe, Cheke Holo; Marovo; Mono, Alu; Nalogo; Nanggu; Nembao; Oroha; Pileni; Reef Islander; Ririo; Roviana; Russell Islander; Saa; Santa Ana; Santa Cruz; Savo Islander; Sikayana; Simbo; Solomon Islanders; Talise; Tanema; Tanimbili; Tavula; Teanu, Buma; To'ambaita; Ugele; Ulawa; Vangunu; Vano; Varese; Vaturanga, Ndi; Zabana; Zazao
Countries where they are found: Fiji; Solomon Islands
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