People groups: 56

Population: 688,085

Unreached people groups: 1

UPG population: 475

Unengaged UPGs: 0

UUPG population: 0

Number of countries: 1

Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders

Overview: Aboriginal Australians are the indigenous peoples of Australia who have inhabited the continent for thousands of years. They have a rich and diverse culture, consisting of hundreds of distinct language groups that maintain strong cultural and religious traditions.

Peoples within this cluster: Aborigine Creole; Alyawarra; Andilyaugwa; Anmatjirra; Aranda, Eastern; Aranda, Western; Australian Aborigine, Detribalized; Burera; Dayi; Dhangu; Dhuwaya; Djambarrapuyngu; Djaru; Djinang; Gaididj; Garawa; Guguyalanji; Guguyimidjir; Gumatj; Gunwinggu; Gupapuyngu; Iwaidja; Kitja; Kukatja; Kunjen; Maung; Miriwung; Murinbata; Nangumiri; Ngalkbun; Ngarinman; Ngarinyin; Northern Mabuiag; Nunggubuyu; Nyanganyatjara; Nyangumarda; Pitjantjatjara; Rembarunga; Ritarungo; Southern Mabuiag; Southwest Aborigine Creol; Thaayoore; Tiwi; Torres Strait Islander; Wailbri; Walmatjari; Wangurri; Warumungu; Watjari; Wik-Munkan; Wik-Ngathan; Worora; Yankunytjatjara; Yanyuwa; Yindjibarndi; Yulparitja

Countries where they are found: Australia

People groups: 56

Population: 688,085

Unreached people groups: 1

UPG population: 475

Unengaged UPGs: 0

UUPG population: 0

Number of countries: 1